Portfolio Fotos – Videos – Instagram : MEINE GALERIEN SEPTEMBER 2023 – YOGA RETRAT MARCHE (ITALIEN) GALERIE ANZEIGEN APRIL 2022 - YTT 300H BALI (INDONESIA) GALERIE ANZEIGEN SEPTEMBER 2020 - DARK MATTER - SANREMO (IT) GALERIE ANZEIGEN NOVEMBER 2021 - PHOTO SHOOTING B/W - SANREMO (IT) GALERIE ANZEIGEN JUNI 2021 - YTT 200H AMORGOS (GREECE) GALERIE ANZEIGEN AUGUST 2022 - DARK SIDE - SANREMO (IT) GALERIE ANZEIGEN 2013/2014 - FITNESS INSTRUCTOR - GANGEHI (ML) GALERIE ANZEIGEN MEINE VIDEOS FOLGEN SIE MIR AUF INSTAGRAM It has already been a month since 's last retreat "Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key My third retreat has just ended and my heart is fi "Be like a tree and let the dead leaves drop."🍁 Ich entscheide, mich heute bewusst für die Weishe I have been invited to work as a teacher in the up It's definitely not about hoping and waiting for s You can rise up from anything, you can completely Mehr laden Auf Instagram folgen